Sunday, February 7, 2010

feb 7

On the sixth I cleaned up long the treed fence line and the flower bed in the circle at back. Raked up more dryed oloves in the camping area. I have a tenter in and he was amazed how nice it was and said he would tell others about this place on thier trip south. It rained a lot in the evening and some during the night. Today the sun is out and the winds are picking up. Drying up some of the puddles left behind from last night. All the fisical work around here sure is not like sitting in the truck all day, I do feel  stiff and sore for the last few days but not commplaining about it as this is good for me. Go ahead laugh, I am. Looking forward to groups coming soon. Praying we don't get to much rain so the roads wash out again. God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ed
    Thanks for all the updates. It sounds like you've been a busy man around there. I'm sure the days go fast for you.
    I've been thinking about you and praying lots that God will continue to direct and guide you each day.
    Keep up the great work!
    God Bless
